A new year is a perfect time to reset and refresh things in life, and Orka Works is no different. Here’s how you can quickly refresh your profile, plan the year ahead and make the most of your Orka Works benefits.
1. Update your profile
Any company that uses Orka Works will see your Bio and Profile first. Checking that your picture is up to date and that your bio has the most necessary information is key to getting the best jobs.
To update this, head to the Profile section of the app.
Your Bio is the second section from the top. You can add a bio by clicking the + icon or edit your existing one by clicking the edit button, both located on the right hand side.

To change your profile photo, scroll to the top of your profile. Click on your profile picture. Then choose between taking a photo or selecting one from your camera roll.

How do you choose a good profile picture?
- Make sure your entire face is visible and not hidden with dark lighting or behind sunglasses.
- You want to look professional, so using photos of you at work and wearing a uniform or neutral clothes is always a good idea.
- Remember, you can always see how your profile will look to employers by clicking on the ‘eye’ icon in the upper left corner of your profile. This can help you determine if you’re happy with your profile or not.
2. Add new licences, experience, qualifications and skills
Keeping your experience, licences, and qualifications up to date means Orka Works companies can see if your skillset matches their job description and match you to better, more suitable jobs. You can also edit this in the Profile area of the app.
3. Update your details
Making sure you have the right home address, mobile, email, and general contact details is really important. If we need to get a hold of you, we will use the details you have registered on the app to contact you, so making sure they are correct is important.
4. Plan ahead with Holiday Pay
Orka Workers have the right to paid time off. With us, a portion of your pay is set aside for holidays or time off. This also encourages you to take time off and rest when you need. Your Holiday Pay allowance reset on December 21st, so the new year is perfect for planning ahead and checking how much Holiday Pay you need to cover your planned days off.
5. Check jobs in your area
Taking some time to browse the app, check jobs in your area and see what opportunities you might find is the best way to start the new year. Available jobs and shifts can frequently change on the app, so keeping track of this is key.
Want to see jobs available in your area? Click here to browse opportunities near you.
6. Turn your notifications on
Make sure your notifications are switched on for the Orka Works app. This is how we let you know about new opportunities in your area or that match your skillset.